Thursday, December 29, 2011

Take Your Time

So badly I want to figure out how to create abundance using my life purpose. I cannot wait for schooling to start, I cannot read enough books, I want to attend every workshop, and obtain all the information I can as fast as I can. What ends up happening is I fall asleep while reading and meditation. Then when I have to be up and functioning I am tired.

A medium told me that things will happen as they are meant to happen. I cannot rush things. Which, I am full aware of although my excitement makes me a little impatient. All things happen on Divine timing. Funny that I found this quote today and realized that I do need to slow down. Enjoy!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Selenite and Angel Number Message Number 918

Selenite crystals are remarkably peaceful. They carry a very high vibration, and instill clarity ...of mind and a deep sense of inner peace. Selenite will assist you in opening your crown chakra and it can even assist you in contacting your Spiritual Guides and Angels.

Another wonderful property of Selenite is that it has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal, as you need to do with many metaphysical stones.

Selenite is one of the more powerful healing stones for the new age and spiritual work. It is excellent for meditation, and ensures a peaceful environment when stones are placed around the home.

Rubbing a smooth piece of Selenite will calm and lift your energy and may even help you enter into the realm of dreams, intuition, Spiritual Guides and Angels.

If you are interested in increasing your psychic or telepathic abilities, place a piece of Selenite on your Third Eye Chakra (in between or slightly above your eyebrows).

These are just a few of the many healing and metaphysical properties of Selenite. The insight and energy Selenite provides is valuable in any healing or spiritual practice.

I received one for Christmas. I cannot wait to try it out. 

As for my latest Angel Number, I saw 918 today while meditating. Here is the meaning behind the number: Your passion about your career ensures your success and support. Follow your hearts guidance. 

I am very passionate about going back to school in August to become an Angel Therapy Practitioner. In fact, I am so excited about it that I actually want time to fly. LOL! Normally I want to savor each moment. I know that I have to be patient because this new adventure is on God's time and cannot be rushed. Doesn't hurt to be excited though does it? Many blessings to you during this holiday season. Give love.....get love. ( :

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Holidays and Finding Time to Rest

The angels want me to rest. Although I had the day off from work today, I wrapped presents for 4 hours, doing wash, dishes, and house cleaning in between. For the past week I have been feeling more anxious than usual and easily irritated. It amazes me that no matter how much I love the holidays, I struggle because I feel like there is so much to do and so little time.

I believe that next year I will be starting way earlier than I have in the past. We should be enjoying the entire season of the holidays, not just Christmas Day. If I keep going the way I have been, by the time Christmas comes, I will not be able to function.

So right now at this very moment, I release into the universe my anxiety. I ask the angels to help me with time management and to trust that all things will get done. Make sure to take time for YOU. Check in with yourself often and realize how you are feeling. Take a lot of deep breaths, rest and never forget to laugh. Happy Holidays! Blessings,

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Moment Meditation and New Number Message

Today I was guided to walk in nature. How calming it is to be in touch with so much positive energy that surrounds us. It was a very brisk morning, but still I felt the warmth of energy and how enlightening it was for my soul. I have been too busy or too tired to workout. I do know however, that it is something I should be doing to help me with my life purpose. I also have been guided to take more breaks. My newest number while learning about this 'moment meditation' above is 421.

Angel Number 421 is a message from your angels that you are to balance your work life with your relaxation and play time.  The angels encourage you to take time out to meditate, relax, revive and rejuvenate yourself.  Your health and well being is of the utmost importance as your inner-strength and vibrant energies are much needed by the world.  The angels want you to be functioning at your optimum.

The repeating Angel Number 421 is a message to use positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude about your life in general as these positive energies attract abundance and manifests peace and clarity.  Have faith and trust in your ‘Self’  -  your skills, talents and natural abilities, and use the to their fullest upon your Divine life path.  Have faith and trust that the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters encourage and support you in your endeavours. 

Your positive beliefs and faith and trust in the Divine creates favourable results and outcomes.
So tonight I am heading to bed early. I am leaving the things I wanted to do for another time. If you receive advice from your angels, please use it. They know what is best for you and your journey.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Angel Number 963

At a recent visit to The Healing Place I was talking with my therapist about my upcoming goal to supplement my income from my cleaning job so that I may quit. I want to continue doing jobs that I love, that I excel at but I also get paid what I am worth.

Nearing the end of the hour long session, I was shown the number 963. And they showed me in a way that I would not forget. First came the 9, then it faded. Then came the 6, then it faded. The same thing happened with the 3. Then I saw the number all together. As soon as I got off the table, I ran to her book by Doreen Virtue, Angel Numbers 101. As soon as I got to number 963 my mouth dropped. I read it aloud for my therapist. It said, "The ascended masters have heard and answered your prayers about your finances and your career." Seriously, I only said this aloud an hour before.

I love that the angels communicate with me in this way. What a great feeling to know that they have heard me and are taking care of the 'how' this will all happen.

Have faith. Your angels are taking care of you. Stay positive. Receive. Be grateful.