Saturday, December 10, 2011

Moment Meditation and New Number Message

Today I was guided to walk in nature. How calming it is to be in touch with so much positive energy that surrounds us. It was a very brisk morning, but still I felt the warmth of energy and how enlightening it was for my soul. I have been too busy or too tired to workout. I do know however, that it is something I should be doing to help me with my life purpose. I also have been guided to take more breaks. My newest number while learning about this 'moment meditation' above is 421.

Angel Number 421 is a message from your angels that you are to balance your work life with your relaxation and play time.  The angels encourage you to take time out to meditate, relax, revive and rejuvenate yourself.  Your health and well being is of the utmost importance as your inner-strength and vibrant energies are much needed by the world.  The angels want you to be functioning at your optimum.

The repeating Angel Number 421 is a message to use positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude about your life in general as these positive energies attract abundance and manifests peace and clarity.  Have faith and trust in your ‘Self’  -  your skills, talents and natural abilities, and use the to their fullest upon your Divine life path.  Have faith and trust that the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters encourage and support you in your endeavours. 

Your positive beliefs and faith and trust in the Divine creates favourable results and outcomes.
So tonight I am heading to bed early. I am leaving the things I wanted to do for another time. If you receive advice from your angels, please use it. They know what is best for you and your journey.

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